Haiku, Senryu, & Tanka

Archive of Published Haiku, Senryu, & Tanka

sweeping petals
off the floor
apology not accepted
tsuri-dōrō  #22 July/August 2024
tattered war flag
flapping in the breeze
the widow's veil
modern Haiku 55:2, Summer 2024
squirt gun
filled with vodka
a menace to sobriety
Failed Haiku #100, June 2024

subway graffiti
an uncurated display
of postmodern cave painting
Failed Haiku #100, June 2024
yin . . .
and yang—
Chinese banquet

licking my lips—
fried duck tongues

Gil Jackofsky
Rick Jackofsky
Failed Haiku #100, June 2024
rainy season
when the foothills
touch the sky
Semifinalist May 2024 Ito En Art of Haiku Contest
New York Seikatsu Press June 2024

in the rearview mirror
an old beach sticker
tsuri-dōrō  #21 May/June 2024

horseshoe crab
on horseshoe crab
a public display of affection
tsuri-dōrō  #21 May/June 2024

summer rain
clinging to the screen door
a tiny tree frog
Autumn Moon Haiku Journal, 7:2 May 2024
summer solstice—
after the long day
a cabbage white
rests her wings
on the garden wall
Ribbons Vol. 20.1 Spring/Summer 2024
once-young love
dressed in morning mist
her hand in mine
we wade into the still water
of a cool mountain lake
Tanka Hangout - Ribbons Vol. 20.1 Spring/Summer 2024
the Icarus Project
embracing the madness
of the burning sun
Scifaikuest May 2024

amid the tangled shadows
of Jupiter’s moons
we divvy up the last packet
of freeze-dried ice cream
Scifaikuest May 2024
waiting for a train
in the gray hour
before dawn
dewdrops gather
on the station bench
Cattails - Spring 2024

white caps
a flock of black-backed gulls
treading air
Cattails - Spring 2024

autumn wind
whistling through
a gap-toothed smile
Cattails - Spring 2024 
counting the fleas
on my sheep
another sleepless night
Failed Haiku #99, April 2024

dewdrop blues an eight-bar haiku
Failed Haiku #99, April 2024

kigo debate
a tsunami
in a tea cup
Failed Haiku #99, April 2024
sitting shiva
the moon shines through
a passing cloud
Acorn #52, Spring/Summer 2024
a modest sparrow
bathing in a puddle
the birder
turns his back
TSA 2024 Poetry Month Bird Special Feature
by rattling windows
and the wind
whistling through the rafters
we dance 'til dawn
Contemporary Haibun Online 20.1, Tanka Prose, April 2024
climate change
the geese
stay put
Semifinalist March 2024 Ito En Art of Haiku Contest
New York Seikatsu Press April 2024
squeaky clothesline
swaying in the wind
a jar of nuthatches
Failed Haiku #98, February 2024
swept up
by the autumn wind
a maple leaf
in the spider's web
Laurels, Vol. 1 #1 - February 2024
wiping the smile
off his face—
clown school dropout
bottle rockets # 50, February 2024
looking back
I see myself coming
the speed of light
Scifaikuest Haibun, February 2024
New Year’s Eve—
a bottle rocket explodes
between today and tomorrow
Semifinalist January 2024 Ito En Art of Haiku Contest
New York Seikatsu Press  February 2024

drone strike
swiping the blood
off our screens

Failed Haiku #97, January 2023

my glasses
Failed Haiku #96, December 2023
two outs . . .
bottom of the ninth . . .
a fly ball to deep right
knocks an apple
off the foul pole
Failed Haiku #96, December 2023
a little bit of winter
slipping in through the cracks
a field mouse
HSA  2023 Member’s Anthology
autumn rain
filling a canoe
with wild rice
Autumn Moon Haiku Journal, 7:1 November 2023
to the soundtrack
of an autumn day
the leaf blower
takes a solo
Ribbons  Vol.19.3- Fall 2023 
a firefly
shines brightly
before fading
into the good night
will we meet again?
Tanka Hangout Sanford Goldstein Tribute
Ribbons  Vol.19.3- Fall 2023

hungry koi
follow a silver coin
to the bottom
of the garden pool
wishful thinking
Ribbons  Vol.19.3- Fall 2023 (Tanka Prose)
riding shotgun
in Dad’s '57 Chevy
the wind in my hand
Cattails - Fall 2023

in the eye
of the storm
mourning doves
Cattails - Fall 2023

a wool coat
despite the summer heat . . .
an old man
and a bumble bee
Cattails - Fall 2023

friendly fire—
rising from the ashes
scrub oak and pitch pine
Failed Haiku #94, October 2023

out of bullets
the bad guy throws his gun
faster and faster
the creaking
of my horse’s springs
Failed Haiku #94, October 2023
last note
of a steel drum
a lingering memory

the sun sets
in Margaritaville

Gil Jackofsky
Rick Jackofsky
Failed Haiku #94, October 2023

a blanket
of dandelions
on the pauper’s grave
Failed Haiku #94, October 2023

on the millpond
news from up north
Semifinalist September 2023 Ito En Art of Haiku Contest
New York Seikatsu Press  October 2023
late for supper
the cat
spits out a stink bug
Failed Haiku #93, September 2023
crumbling stone walls recall old disputes
bottle rockets # 49, August 2023
a family
of migrants
building a nest
under the freeway—
cliff swallows
Ribbons  Vol.19.2 Spring/Summer 2023

a new mother
works remotely
on her laptop
a colicky baby
Ribbons Tanka Hangout  Vol.19.2 Spring/Summer 2023
Ribbons vol. 19.3 Fall 2023  Member's Choice Honorable Mentiom
for the right word
summer kigo 
Prune Juice #40, August 2023
neon lights
sizzling from dusk ’til dawn
buzz words
Failed Haiku #92, August 2023

maternity dress
paternity suit
it’s complicated
Failed Haiku #92, August 2023

humming along
with the motel ice machine
long haul truckers
Failed Haiku #91, July 2023
twittering in a scarecrow's ear
conspiracy theories
Bird Whistle: Anthology of Bird Haiku 2023
folding time
and space . . .
a thousand cranes
Bird Whistle: Anthology of Bird Haiku 2023
autumn leaves another sticker on my windshield
Heron’s Nest Vol. 25 # 2: June, 2023
rising tide
a little buddha
surrenders his castle
Heron’s Nest Vol. 25 # 2: June, 2023
spring tide—
the Sea of Tranquility
keeps me up all night
Autumn Moon Haiku Journal, Vol. 6:2 - Spring/Summer-2023
and a hard rain fall
on Kyiv
the answer . . .
still blowing in the wind
Failed Haiku #90, June 2023
singing along
with a classic rock station
the lineman
plays a power chord
on his air guitar
Failed Haiku #90, June 2023
fog lights—
the morning glories
stay open all-day
Semifinalist May 2023 Ito En Art of Haiku Contest
New York Seikatsu Press  June 2023
the scarred face
of a stray cat
Failed Haiku # 89, May 2023 
deep grooves
etched in lacquer
hill country blues
Failed Haiku # 89, May 2023
bird on the wire
a feather
in the busker’s cap
Semifinalist April 2023 Ito En Art of Haiku Contest
New York Seikatsu Press  May 2023

closing time
pouring shadows
into the night
Cattails Spring/April 2023
cattails stirring the morning mist a summer breeze
Cattails Spring/April 2023 
her mother’s arm
a little girl in yellow boots
splashes through a puddle  
of sunshine
Cattails Spring/April 2023
paw prints
on the kitchen floor
mud season
Failed Haiku # 88, April 2023
the disembodied voice
of herring gulls
Semifinalist March 2023 Ito En Art of Haiku Contest
New York Seikatsu Press  April 2023

playing the blues
in black & white
the ghost
of Thelonious Monk
Ribbons Tanka Hangout  Vol.19.1 Winter 2022/23

a cool breeze
parts the clouds
revealing the moon
in her eyes
Ribbons  Vol.19.1 Winter 2022/23
dream catcher—
listening to the dawn chorus
a few notes to myself
2023 Golden Haiku Contest selection
a feather
in the busker’s cap
Concerto in D Major
2023 Golden Haiku Contest selection
one line each
our first threesome
a kinky senryu
Failed Haiku # 87, March 2023

trick knee
the magic show
is a flop
Failed Haiku # 87, March 2023

pow wow
fancy dancers—
the porta-potty queue
Failed Haiku # 87, March 2023

a toddler
eating popcorn
off the ground
gets scolded . . .
by an angry squirrel
Failed Haiku # 87, March 2023

going gray
a scurry of squirrels
accept me as one of their own
Semifinalist February 2023 Ito En Art of Haiku Contest
New York Seikatsu Press  March 2023

ginko walk
over and under
the dogwood flowers
Frogpond 46:1 Winter 2023
springing ahead
we reset—
the dawn chorus
Failed Haiku # 86, February 2023
under the bridge
the river comes and goes
Failed Haiku # 86, February 2023
two kittens
and a ball of yarn
quantum entanglement
Failed Haiku # 86, February 2023
fat tuesday
a layer of frost
on the lenten roses
bottle rockets # 48, February 2023
the past and future
in the palm of my hand
heirloom tomato seeds
Failed Haiku # 85, January 2023

on new year's day
fresh snow to cover our tracks
Failed Haiku # 85, January 2023

leaves turning
in the autumn wind
I lose my place
Autumn Moon Haiku Journal, Vol. 6:1 - December 2022
the gray area
between two seasons
Treveni Haikai India/ Open Sky, December 4, 2022
play by play
he passes the football
to himself
Contemporary Haibun Online, December 2022
the moon
howls back
Contemporary Haibun Online, December 2022

holding on
to the past
a cicada shell
clings to the ribs
of my old canoe
Ribbons  Vol.18.3 Fall 2022
seeking shelter
from the storm
he builds a fence
to keep the world at bay
Ribbons Tanka Cafe Vol.18.3 Fall 2022
filling the space
between two stars
a cricket song
Failed Haiku # 83, November 2022

coming down
from the mountain
early winter
Semifinalist October 2022 Ito En Art of Haiku Contest
New York Seikatsu Press  November 2022

a murmuration
of starlings
Frogpond - vol. 45, #3 - Autumn 2022
a housefly slips out
through a hole in the screen
Acorn Fall 2022  #49
coming in
from the rain
squeaky shoes   
Failed Haiku # 82, October 2022
an old man
sparring with demons
his shadow lands a punch
"dawn returns"
HSA  2022 Member’s Anthology
summer cottage
a bird’s nest
in the mailbox
The Heron’s Nest Vol 25 # 3 - September 2022
freight train
graffiti scrolling by
a tattooed lady
Failed Haiku # 81, September 2022
sidewalk cafe
watching the busboy
a white-throated sparrow
bottle rockets # 47, August 2022
the distant
cry of a cuckoo
from the edge
of a forgotten dream
Contemporary Haibun Online, August 2022
making a splash
the frog prince dives
into the dating pool
Failed Haiku # 80, August 2022
a line in the sand
Irish moss
Semifinalist July 2022 Ito En Art of Haiku Contest
New York Seikatsu Press  August 2022

budget deficit
filling potholes
the morning mist
Prune Juice #37 July 2022
at the edge
of a summer day
Semifinalist June 2022 Ito En Art of Haiku Contest
New York Seikatsu Press  July 2022
spring cleaning—
stowing our woolies
we discover
a colony of spiders
have rewired the attic
Ribbons Vol.18.2 Spring/Summer 2022

summer's end
the ebbing tide of time
leaving behind
an old fisherman
and the echo of an osprey's cry
Ribbons Tanka Cafe Vol.18.2 Spring/Summer 2022

french press
a dark roast lingers
on our lips
Frogpond - vol. 45, #2 - Spring/Summer 2022
in the wake of the flood a puddle of sunshine
Autumn Moon Haiku Journal # 5:12, Spring/Summer 2022
as the crow flies
a butterfly meanders
through a summer day
Autumn Moon Haiku Journal # 5:12, Spring/Summer 2022
summer winding down the river half full
The Heron’s Nest Vol 25 # 2 - June 2022
saying nothing
about everything
empty shells
Haiku 2022 -
Modern Haiku Press
on the barracks roof
a military tattoo
Failed Haiku # 77, May 2022
dockside cafe
people come and go
with the tide
Failed Haiku # 77, May 2022
on the edge
of a black hole
I’m starting to have some doubts
about these GPS* directions
*Galactic Positioning System
TSA National Poetry Month Special Feature - April, 2022

squeaky wheel
a Friend arrives late
silence pauses
Failed Haiku # 76, April 2022
howling at the moon a pack of lies
Failed Haiku # 76, April 2022

the nature channel
watching a hungry cougar
stalk a young buck
Failed Haiku # 76, April 2022
tapping trees
in the sugarbush
a northern flicker
Semifinalist March 2022 Ito En Art of Haiku Contest
New York Seikatsu Press  April 2022

a crowd gathers
around the middle of nowhere
Zoom meeting
Golden Haiku Selection March 2022
reaching up
to steal the sun
kudzu vines
The Heron’s Nest Vol 24 # 1 - March 2022

harvest moon
my roommate sings
a cricket song
The Heron’s Nest Vol 24 # 1 - March 2022
in fine silk
a house fly
Failed Haiku # 75, March 2022

social distancing
six light years apart
pandemic politics
Failed Haiku # 75, March 2022

a doodle
everyday the same
rooster haiku
Failed Haiku # 75, March 2022
developing a taste
for the blue notes
Prune Juice #36 March 2022

working class
roots and branches
do the heavy work
while leafy crowns dance
in the summer breeze
Self Portrait - TSA
2021 Member’s Anthology March 2022
twilight’s shadows

gathered by the setting sun

a flock of crows 
brings darkness

home to roost
Ribbons Vol.18.1 Winter 2022
the chatter
of an angry wren
scolding the cat
from her nest in the eaves
squatters’ rights
bottle rockets # 46, February 2022
quantum mechanics watching a pot boil
Failed Haiku # 74, February 2022
a night owl dives
into the milky way

Semifinalist January 2022 Ito En Art of Haiku Contest
New York Seikatsu Press  February 2022
saying nothing
about everything
empty shells
Autumn Moon Haiku Journal # 5:1, Autumn/Winter 2021-22
a cricket harmonizes
with the ringing in my ears
Failed Haiku # 72, December 2021
folding time 
and space . . . 
a thousand cranes
Visiting the Wind - HSA Member’s Anthology 2021
making room
for little boxes—
a bulldozer
buries a boulder
left by a glacier
Ribbons Vol.17.3 Fall 2021
full of coins
plastic buddha
Frogpond - vol. 44, #3 - Autumn 2021
blackbirds roosting
on an idle backhoe
the graveyard shift
Failed Haiku # 71, November 2021

Indian summer—
for the green tomatoes
too little too late
Failed Haiku # 71, November 2021
a garden gone to seed
butterflies stumble
in the autumn breeze
Semifinalist October 2021 Ito En Art of Haiku Contest
New York Seikatsu Press  November 2021

no respect
for the border
english ivy
Acorn Fall 2021
a webbed foot
steps into the gene pool
random drift
Failed Haiku # 70, October 2021
senior trip—
having a flashback
while my shopping cart
the produce department
Failed Haiku # 70, October 2021

bent by the wind
an old salt trims his sails
in an empty bottle
Semifinalist September 2021 Ito En Art of Haiku Contest
NY Seikatsu Press October 2021 
open all night
the snap crackle pop
of neon lights
bottle rockets - #45, August 2021
a fan hums
while mosquitos dance
on the ceiling
Failed Haiku # 68, August 2021

the funhouse mirror shows my good sides
Failed Haiku # 68, August 2021

the dawn chorus
a rooster crows
once for the sunrise
then again just for show

Failed Haiku # 68, August 2021
climbing a mountain the color of the sun
Semifinalist July 2021 Ito En Art of Haiku Contest
NY Seikatsu Press August 2021
a collection
of beach glass
and empty shells
recalling the things that time
and tides have left behind
Ribbons Vol.17.2 Spring/Summer 2021

making a point
the cat sharpens her claws
on the new sofa
Window Seats: A Contemporary Anthology of Cat Haiku & Senryu 2021
twittering in a scarecrow's ear
conspiracy theories
Prune Juice - #34, July 2021
his body becoming
a stranger
Failed Haiku # 67, July 2021

muscle beach
parking lot queue
tan lines
Failed Haiku # 67, July 2021

ripple still water
speed dating
Failed Haiku # 67, July 2021

diagonal lines
in a woodblock sky
the driving rain
Failed Haiku # 67, July 2021

even in Manhattan
I long for Manhattan
clam chowder
Failed Haiku # 67, July 2021
in the snow
Failed Haiku # 67, July 2021 
into the wind
a black-backed gull
Semifinalist June 2021 Ito En Art of Haiku Contest
NY Seikatsu Press July 2021
cricket frog—
leaping from a lily pad . . .
to the moon
Autumn Moon Haiku Journal  #4:2, Spring/Summer 2021

scattered clouds . . . a cormorant comes up for air
Autumn Moon Haiku Journal  #4:2, Spring/Summer 2021

flying fish
in the company of clouds
Autumn Moon Haiku Journal #4:2, Spring/Summer 2021

someone else’s life
flashes before my eyes
ebay estate sale
Failed Haiku # 66, June 2021

her carefully crafted
Troutswirl June, 2021
Third Place The Haiku Foundation Monthly Kukai, May 2021
the cry of a loon
piercing the morning mist
a red canoe
NY Seikatsu Press June 2021 
Semifinalist May 2021 Ito En Art of Haiku Contest 
planting a garden
flowers and vegetables
for my deer friends
Failed Haiku # 65, May 2021

two bag ladies
sharing a bagel—
with pigeons
Failed Haiku # 65, May 2021

bits of broken glass
make the parking lot sparkle
on a moonlit night
ten more body bags
in the shopping cart corral
Failed Haiku # 65, May 2021

stepping out
of the sea
Failed Haiku # 65, May 2021

in the morning sun
snail trails
Acorn Spring 2021
the competition
for best reggae band

Failed Haiku # 64, April 2021

bob white
and the meadowlarks
spring tour

Failed Haiku # 64, April 2021

a haiku moment
Schrödinger’s caterpillar
becomes a butterfly

Failed Haiku # 64, April 2021
the grey area
between two seasons
Semifinalist March 2021 Ito En Art of Haiku Contest 
NY Seikatsu Press April 2021
at the end
of a rainbow
2021 Golden Haiku Contest Selection 

the frayed edge
of a gravel road
The Heron's Nest Vol 23 # 1 - March 2021
pint-sized captains
in yellow boots
racing paper boats
the dixie cup regatta
Failed Haiku # 63, March 2021

a steady diet
of coffee grounds
and banana peels
the bittersweet life
of a compost worm
Failed Haiku # 63, March 2021
dive bar buzz—
neon lights
and mosquitos
Frogpond - vol. 44, #1 - Winter 2021
to the morning glory
dew drops
bottle rockets - #44, February 2021

flies buzzing
around a dead elephant
conspiracy theories
Failed Haiku # 62, February 2021

the groundhog
emerges from a pothole
an urban legend
Failed Haiku # 62, February 2021

the magician
pulls a mixed metaphor
out of the blue
Failed Haiku # 61, January 2021
the promise
of distant thunder
a wet dream
Failed Haiku # 61, January 2021
in the garden
mountain pose
Failed Haiku # 61, January 2021
looking back
my twenty-twenty
Failed Haiku: Journal of English Senryu  # 60, December 2020
drifting by
the autumn moon
a red canoe
Autumn Moon Haiku Journal # 4:1, Autumn/Winter 2020-21

from leafless branches
Autumn Moon Haiku Journal # 4:1, Autumn/Winter 2020-21
for the dust to settle . . .
he’s out
Bundled Wildflowers - Haiku Society of America 2020 Members Anthology

the flash of a firefly
followed by rolling thunder  
one Mississippi . . .
Frogpond - vol. 43, #3 - Autumn 2020

ringing bells
and rattling bones
smith corona   
Frogpond - vol. 43, #3 - Autumn 2020

hanging basil
and canning tomatoes
what’s left of summer
Semifinalist October 2020 Ito En Art of Haiku Contest
NY Seikatsu Press November 2020
after a mild winter
mushrooms sprouting
from the woodpile
failed haiku: Journal of English Senryu  #58, October 2020
summer lingers
in the cool evening air
a few fireflies
Semifinalist September 2020 Ito En Art of Haiku Contest
NY Seikatsu Press October 2020

spreading gossip
they call it news 
failed haiku: Journal of English Senryu  #57, September 2020 
summer romance
the sizzle of bottle rockets
and cicadas

The Heron’s Nest  September 2020
the cricket's song interrupted
by a lovers' quarrel

Semifinalist August 2020 Ito En Art of Haiku Contest
NY Seikatsu Press September 2020

missing teeth
the old man smiles
with his eyes
bottle rockets – #43, August 2020

fading light—
in the spider’s web
a firefly
July Semifinalist 2020 Ito En Art of Haiku Contest
NY Seikatsu Press August 2020

snapping chalk lines as the crow flies
failed haiku: Journal of English Senryu #55, July 2020 

stray dog
at the butcher’s door
a bag of bones
modern Haiku #51:2, Summer 2020 
sandlot heroes the roar of cicadas
Semifinalist June 2020 Ito En Art of Haiku Contest

NY Seikatsu Press July 2020

on the road
to Genbaku Dome
cherry blossoms
Autumn Moon Haiku Journal # 3:2, Spring/Summer 2020

baby greens
taking the first bite
a garden snail
Frogpond - vol. 43, #2 - Spring/Summer 2020

music in the air
a pigeon drops a feather
in the busker’s hat
failed haiku: Journal of English Senryu #53, May 2020

moonlight serenade
a mockingbird courting
our rusty gate
failed haiku: Journal of English Senryu #53, May 2020

in a broken window
I see right through . . . myself
failed haiku: Journal of English Senryu #53, May 2020

mother’s day—
a bouquet of flowers
in sixty-four colors
Semifinalist May 2020 Ito En Art of Haiku Contest
NY Seikatsu Press June 2020<
Bronze Prize Ito En Haiku Grand-Prix 2020 

the city
turned upside down
memorial pool
Acorn—#44, Spring, 2020

waiting . . .
for the light to change
writer's block
failed haiku: Journal of English Senryu - #51, March 2020  

what kind
of chicory is this?
cafe´au lait
failed haiku: Journal of English Senryu - #51, March 2020

empty shells
bleached by the sun
mostly 12 gauge
bottle rockets – #42, February 2020
my secret longing
for her sensuous curves
the neighbor’s guitar
failed haiku: Journal of English Senryu - #50, February 2020  

a secret kept
under my pillow
wonder woman 
failed haiku: Journal of English Senryu - #50, February 2020

a painted lady
spreads her wings
Frogpond – vol. 43, #1, Winter 2020

in the eye
of the storm
failed haiku: Journal of English Senryu - #49, January 2020

roll around motel walls
just passing through
failed haiku: Journal of English Senryu - #49, January 2020

New Year's Day
a blanket of snow
covers our tracks
Semifinalist January 2020 Ito En Art of Haiku Contest
NY Seikatsu Press February 2020 


a thousand raindrops in a footprint left behind
Autumn Moon Haiku Journal #3:1, Fall/Winter 2019

desert canyon
the sound of water
written in stone

Heron’s Nest vol. 21, #4, December 2019

eyes peeled
they still don’t see
potato heads
Prune Juice Journal of Senryu - #29, November 2019

in the street
Prune Juice Journal of Senryu - #29, November 2019

snapping chalk lines as the crow flies
A Moment’s Longing:
Haiku Society of America 2019 Members Anthology

stretched to the limit
a wave breaks
its silence
Frogpond – vol. 42, #2, Autumn 2019

a coin
standing on edge
no decision
bottle rockets – #41, August 2019

beach club
the fisherman joins
a flock of gulls
Semifinalist August 2019 Ito En Art of Haiku Contest

two sides
of the story
a mixtape
Prune Juice Journal of Senryu - #28, July  2019

roll their eyes
at the craps table
Prune Juice Journal of Senryu - #28, July 2019

in a bottle
Semifinalist July 2019 Ito En Art of Haiku Contest


an empty birdbath

Autumn Moon Haiku Journal #2:2, Spring/Summer 2019


climbing a mountain

late spring
Semifinalist May 2019 Ito En Art of Haiku Contest

summer of love
watching the war
in black and white
Frogpond – vol. 42, #1, Spring/Summer 2019

I am Groot,

I am Groot, I am Groot,

I am Groot
Honorable Mention 2019 Leading Edge Magazine Sci-Faiku Contest

Leading Edge issue #74, April 2019

arms akimbo

she closes the door

with a hip check
Prune Juice Journal of Senryu - #27, March 2019

bit by bit—

the cat clears

my desktop
Prune Juice Journal of Senryu - #27, March 2019

the neighbor’s dog

barking between today

and tomorrow
Prune Juice Journal of Senryu - #27, March 2019

the first

sign of spring

it’s a fastball
2019 Golden Triangle Haiku Contest Selection

the shadow

of an old friend dances
in empty shoes
Semifinalist March 2019 Ito En Art of Haiku Contest

the edge
of the ocean
ruffled lace
Semifinalist January 2019 Ito En Art of Haiku Contest
Bronze Prize Ito En Haiku Grand-Prix 2019


first light—
a sparrow sings
the sun up
Semifinalist October 2018 Ito En Art of Haiku Contest

to a moonlit night
Hank Williams
Frogpond - vol. 41, #3 - Fall 2018

maple leaf     
dancing in the wind
game over
Four Hundred and Two Snails:
Haiku Society of America 2018 Members Anthology

shadows casting darkness through an open door
Honorable Mention 2018 Peggy Willis Lyles Haiku Contest
The Heron’s Nest – Vol. 20, 2018

clocks ticking
the timeless patter
of spring rain
Frogpond – vol. 41, #2, Spring/Summer 2018